Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Phishing: The Best Way to Hack Facebook

Phishing is the most widely used hacking technique across the globe, in which the victim is convinced a fake login page to be the real one and further retrieve his login details. For this phishing process to be deployed first of all we need a fake page (phisher page) of the target website the victim uses, such as Facebook, Twitter, Gmail etc.

In this tutorial we will be discussing about hacking a Facebook account using phishing. So download a ready made phishing files for Facebook (latest login page) from here.

Secondly we need a web hosting service to host our phisher page. There are many websites like byethost.com, 0fees.net, biz.nf, freehostia.com etc that provide free hosting services. I will be using 0fees.net in this tutorial and i recommend it.

Visit 0fees.net, click on register, fill up with some fake details and you will be given a free account. After the activation of your account, follow the below steps.

1) Go to control panel in your 0fees.net account.
2) Open "online file manger".
3) Open "htdocs" folder and delete all the files in it.

how to hack facebook using phishing

4) Then upload the zip file you have downloaded in htdocs folder. The zip file will be automatically extracted.
5) Your new Facebook phishing page is ready!
6) Now open your fake webpage in your browser to test it. The address looks something like "yourusername.0fees.net"

how to hack facebook using phishing

7) If you see Facebook login page, then it is ready to be tested. Enter some text in username and password fields of phisher page and click login. You will get an error.

how to hack facebook using phishing

8) Now go to the 0fees file manager and open log.txt.
9) The text you have entered in the phisher page should appear in this log.txt file.

Thats it! Your Facebook phisher page is working and ready to be deployed. If you have struck at any step, comment below.

WARNING: This tutorial is completely for educational purpose and Letshacksomething claims no responsibility for any malpractices.